Millersville Review Cover

Millersville Review is a magazine that goes over what has happened during the year at Millersville University. They ask the design department if a student could design a cover that shows the campus and the creative side of the university. I decided to take this opportunity and contacted them about the cover.

  • Publication Design

  • Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop




The client wanted the cover to illustrate the campus. This was the first challenge I faced. How could I illustrate the campus if it is so huge, and where would I start? So, I decided to go out and take some pictures of buildings and any other form of structure that was part of the campus to help me get some ideas going. I created a mood board to show my thought process and figure out the illustration's style. After this, I knew that I was going to do an architecture illustration that merged some of the iconic buildings and structures of the campus that people could identify easily.

Rough Sketch

After figuring out the direction I wanted to go, I made a rough sketch of what the illustration could look like. I played around with the shape of the buildings, perspective, and stacking the building or merging the two to get exciting designs.

Color Pallet Analysis

I created the color pallet based on the photos I took of the building on campus, and I did change the saturation of the colors, so the color doesn’t bring too much contrast to the design. I also wanted the pastel look to the colors.


The Green Mile, Movie Title Sequences


Fire Fighters