The Green Mile, Title Sequence
Title Sequence Design is a great way to show the production and cast members for the film. The Movie “The Green Mile”, didn’t have one, which led me to create one based on the message and overall story of the film. The film focuses on a warden who works in a death row prison, and he meets an interesting prison that changes his life. So, I stuck with the prison theme for the concept and influenced the narration of motion and the design.
2D Animation, Illustration, Photoshop
Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Moving forward from my sketches and concept, I made an animatic that shows a rough idea of the motion based on the rough storyboard I had. I did this to see if the ideas I had to look good when it is in motion, and this also helps as a reference to see how the animation should look.
Detailed Storyboard
Before I could begin the motion design, I created a detailed storyboard with all graphics, textures, and color in place. This includes how long the animation is intended to take with the time-code format. There are also notes under each frame giving more in-depth to aid someone on what is intended to happen in the animation.